Monday, January 9, 2012

What Is Chan 禅 Buddhism.  
2. (Legend)

Who was Bodhidharma? 

     Bodhidharma was a Indian Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th century AD. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chán to China, and regarded as the first Chinese patriarch. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the Shaolin monks that led to the creation of Shaolinquan. Aka- Shaolin Kung-Fu.
  There are a number of stories and legends surrounding Bodhidharma, some of that might be real; and a lot others just made up. In any case, they are all very interesting tales, and profoundly capture the essence of Chan wisdom.

Legend of Bodhidharma

According to the Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall, around the year 527 (?) the eighth year of Putong:

 Bodhidharma called on the Emperor Wu Ti (502-550 A.D.) of Liang dynasty, a fervent patron of Buddhism. The Emperor was then at Jinling (today's Nanjiang) 

Emperor Wu asked Bodhidharma: "After I ascended the throne, I have built countless temples residences for monks and copied innumerable scriptures. How much merit have I accrued?" 
Bodhidharma answered: "There is no merit." 
Startled, the Emperor then asked Bodhidharma: “What is the first principle of the holy teachings?” 
Bodhidharma replied: “Vast emptiness, nothing holy.”
Emperor, frustrated, then asked Bodhidharma: "Who is this that stands before me?"
Bodhidharma answered: "I don't know."
The Emperor did not understand what Bodhidharma was saying. He was disappointed and upset. The meeting was obviously unsuccessful. 
 Thereafter, Bodhidharma moved north, and meditated in a cave, facing a wall, for 8 years.
 **The Legend of Bodhidharma may have been created by Chinese Chan Buddhists.**

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