Monday, January 9, 2012

What Is Chan 禅 Buddhism.  
4. (Wordless) 


Bodhidharma introduced to China an alternative to text-based scholastic learning. He was the first to proclaim: "do not establish words and letters." In other words, this awakening experience is inexpressible in words and is inaccessible to the dualism of language and concepts.
(Hmm? If that is the case, forget everything I posted above.)
So then,  
What Is Chan
(here is some ideas that still miss the mark.)

[ a “special transmission, outside the scriptures, with
no dependence on words and letters.” It is “a direct pointing
at the human mind; seeing into one’s own nature and the attainment of Buddhahood.
- Venerable Jing Hui  ]

a state of awareness free of self-reference.

"No matter how much external circumstances change, if one can see through the outer manifestations and let go of grasping, having clarity and true understanding, then that is Chan."  

Please do not try to explore the content of Chan motivated by mere curiosity, for Chan is not something new brought to the USA by Orientals; Chan is present everywhere, in space without limit and time without end. - Sheng Yen

Direct personal experience of Chan brings about the actualization of wisdom and compassion, which leads to peace and understanding.  

 There is no need for any teacher to transmit it; what is transmitted is just the method by which one can personally experience Chan. 

Chan is understanding life itself. 


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